About Us

Mission Statement
The aim of Seeds Community Center is to cultivate and renew Tucson neighborhoods by partnering with the city and its surrounding communities.  Our motivation is the transformative love of Jesus.  Our focus is to change lives by creating and improving access to opportunities for men, women and children to thrive in four distinct areas:
1. Education
2. Creative Arts
3. Family Development and Life Skills
4. Sustainable Resources

Vision Statement
Seeds Community Center envisions Tucson as a city transformed by people  who love one another, meet each other’s needs, and come together to create opportunities to learn, create, develop and renew the world around them.

Core Values:
Gospel: The Gospel: the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, is the heart of Seeds Community Center. The love of God motivates us, humbles us, and directs our every action.

Family: Seeds believes families are the working ground for healing, hope, and restoration in our community. As such, we are committed to helping families become healthy and strong participants in this city.

Community: Seeds is committed to the cultivation of positive relationships and community among people. We believe we can do more together than apart. Tucson is a great city full of people trying to make a difference and we are glad to collaborate with other organizations.

Transformation: Seeds believes that through time, energy, faith and perseverance, people are able to change for the better and we are committed to helping individuals on this journey.

Joy: Life is sometimes difficult, but we celebrate that we can also laugh, breathe, and be lighthearted together! We celebrate the creativity, the humor, and the inherent life and joy in the human spirit.

Culture: Seeds acknowledges and respects the unique culture of this city and its individuals. We desire to work within the framework of our city's subcultures, not attempt to create our own.

Current Leaders:
Director/Chairperson: Lauren Hixson
Vice-Chairperson: Taylor Durham
Secretary: Loretta Alvarez
Treasurer: Carol Smith